Thursday, January 6, 2022

Post No. 072: Absolutely Positive, Part 1 — (HIV) Positive

(Image from Kinsey Confidential)


That I may savor life,
let me taste of death.

So I can find the heart,
let me experience depth.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

My Writing Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I tested HIV-positive in November of 2000! And I really felt like a failure, because "I was going to get AIDS and die like all of the other fags." So, I wrote this poem as a way to try and make myself feel better by seeing this "life challenge" as an opportunity to heal!

By the way, there used to be an "Absolutely Positive, Part 3 — To Finally Be Free," which was formerly published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog but, unfortunately, I accidentally deleted that poem while I was doing some editing on that blog!

However, that "To Finally Be Free" poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog) as part of my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice, since I feel that the message in that poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "The Oneness Of God!"

Besides that, I republished the "Absolutely Positive, Part 3 — To Finally Be Free" post on my new "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog) as it was originally published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog.

Just so you know, I revised this poem, as I often do with my writing! And I changed how this poem was written when I was editing it on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" and "Small All White in the Forest" blogs. So, I wanted to show you how this poem used to be written, before I revised it as above.

And it used to be written like this:


That I may savor life,
let me taste of death.

So I can find the heart,
let me experience breadth.

Thus, I revised this poem to be written as it is above.

Plus, one more clarification: The last line of this poem was originally "grant me loss of breath." However, after George Floyd's murder, I decided to change the last line to "let me experience breadth."

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" Post No. 072 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]