Sunday, June 19, 2022

Post No. 259: For Father's Day, Part 1 — For Holy Father God (Jesus The Christ)

Image from Pinterest

He Watches All Around!

Jesus' love of life truly knows no bounds,
as He is a busy guy who watches all around!

He sings love songs—and you can hear 'em—
while He watches over our social systems!

For He is a God, who is always out and about,
fully expressing His love without any doubts!

And He socializes for each and every season,
with His great love for us being the reason!

His blossom of love is sweetly swooning,
while it is springtime and He is grooving!

His sunny side of love is long and lasting,
when it is summertime and He is basking!

His cornucopia of love is colorfully calling,
when it is autumn time and He is falling!

His gift of love is a present that is so uplifting,
when it is wintertime and He is holiday gifting!

For, the agape of His love just keeps on giving
and that is the reason we are eternally living!

And thus, the sacrifice of His love is justly priced
above the riches of life, since He is Jesus Christ!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

My Writing Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I have a great love and respect for Jesus The Christ, who is Our Father God! For, the Saviour, whom all of us can looked to in times of trouble, was born upon this Earth so that all of us can experience eternal life inside Heaven as contained within Our Cosmos!

By the way, this poem is also a rewrite of a poem that I wrote with love and respect 'For Holy Mother Earth (Gaia The Goddess)' that is titled, "She Really Gets Around," which is published on this blog. (Please see "She Really Gets Around-Style Poem" in labels for the poem.)

And this poem was only published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog.

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" Post No. 259 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]