(Image by Paul Whiting) |
Unthanksgiving Day
(Or, "The True Meaning Of Thanksgiving!")
"Unthanksgiving Day" means to give
thanks for your abundant life by giving
to those in need—just like the Native
Americans did to help the Pilgrims survive
after they arrived in America—and that is
"The True Meaning Of Thanksgiving!"
-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"
"Unthanksgiving Day" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):
Unthanksgiving Day (or Un-Thanksgiving Day) also known as The Indigenous Peoples Sunrise Ceremony, is an event held on the island of Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay, in the United States of America, to honor the indigenous peoples of the Americas and promote their rights. It coincides with a similar protest, the National Day of Mourning, held in Massachusetts. [Bolding mine.] Held annually since 1975, the Alcatraz ceremony honors the protest event of 1969 where the Alcatraz-Red Power Movement (ARPM) occupied the island. Currently the annual ceremony is organized by the International Indian Treaty Council and American Indian Contemporary Arts.
The event is designed to commemorate the survival of Native American peoples following
The National Day of Mourning is an annual protest organized since 1970 by Native Americans of New England on the fourth Thursday of November, the same day as Thanksgiving in the United States. It coincides with an unrelated but similar protest, Unthanksgiving Day, held on the West Coast.
In 1969, a number of Native American members of the Alcatraz-Red Power Movement group Indians of All Tribes (IAT) occupied the island of Alcatraz, under the terms the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie that allocated surplus government land to Native Americans. The occupation lasted for 19 months, from November 20, 1969, to June 11, 1971. They were visited by members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) who, inspired by the occupation, led other protests, their first on Thanksgiving in 1970 when they painted Plymouth Rock red. The latter protest went on to continue as the National Day of Mourning. The US government ended the Alcatraz occupation with force. During the occupation, hundreds of Native Americans joined the movement to speak out for their rights. This was part of a heavy period of Indian activism and protest; at a time when the civil rights movement in the United States amongst minorities was at a height.
"National Day of Mourning (United States protest)" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):
The National Day of Mourning is an annual protest organized since 1970 by Native Americans of New England on the fourth Thursday of November, the same day as Thanksgiving in the United States. It coincides with an unrelated but similar protest, Unthanksgiving Day, held on the West Coast.
The organizers consider the national holiday of Thanksgiving Day as a reminder of the democide and continued suffering of the Native American peoples. Participants in the National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. They want to educate Americans about history. The event was organized in a period of Native American activism and general cultural protests. The protest is organized by the United American Indians of New England (UAINE). Since it was first organized, social changes have resulted in major revisions to the portrayal of United States history, the government's and settlers' relations with Native American peoples, and renewed appreciation for Native American culture.
The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) organized their protest to bring publicity to the continued misrepresentation of Native American and colonial experience. They believed that people needed to be educated about what happened when the Pilgrims arrived in North America.
A century ago heavy immigration brought millions of southern and eastern Europeans to the United States. Educators and civic groups thought it necessary to assimilate the new citizens. The new arrivals were taught to view the Pilgrims as models for their own families. The tale of the "First Thanksgiving" was an essential element of this curriculum. The story of the Native Americans and Pilgrims sharing a meal of turkey became part of United States tradition. The story tells of the mutually beneficial relationship between these groups.
UAINE, by contrast, says that the Pilgrims did not find a new and empty land. Every inch of land they claimed was Indian land. They also say that the Pilgrims immigrated as part of a commercial venture and that they introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system.
Governor John Winthrop proclaimed the first official "Day of Thanksgiving" in 1637 to celebrate the return of men that had gone to Mystic, Connecticut to fight against the Pequot, an action that resulted in the deaths of more than 700 Pequot women, children, and men, which their people called a massacre. In 1863, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln authorized that the fourth Thursday of November be set aside to give thanks and praise for the nation's blessings. Thanksgiving became part of American culture.
UAINE believes that the Native American and colonial experience continue to be misrepresented. It asks why the "First Thanksgiving" was not celebrated or related back to the first colony at Jamestown. According to UAINE, the circumstances at Jamestown were too terrible to be used as a national myth. The settlers turned to cannibalism to survive. The UAINE used the National Day of Mourning to educate people about the history of the Wampanoag people. UAINE representatives say the only true element of the Thanksgiving story is that the pilgrims would not have survived their first years in New England without the aid of the Wampanoag.[Bolding mine.]
My Writing Notes:
The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "Unthanksgiving Day" means to give thanks for your abundant life by giving to those in need—just like the Native Americans did to help the Pilgrims survive after they arrived in America—and that is "The True Meaning Of Thanksgiving!"
Also, on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog where this post was originally published, beginning in January 2013, I tried to create a post for virtually every holiday and special occasion of which I was aware, but I realized by September 2014 that I did not have enough time and energy to continue posting for every holiday and special occasion. And I decided to keep the poems in that series which were the most relevant to my "Small All White in the Forest" blog, of which this is one.
And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest."
This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.
November 14th, 2022 Update: Thanksgiving Day is ten days away from today, November 14th, 2022! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping those in need during the Thanksgiving holiday, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Portland Rescue Mission and Union Gospel Mission), as well as nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank) and a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America).
And I was inspired to make these donations by "Thanksgiving Donation" mailers that I recently received, including one from a local nonprofit helping homeless folks and one from the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States helping hungry folks, as I mentioned above.
In addition to that, I was also reminded to donate to these types of nonprofit organizations by the name of a video I saw on YouTube recently, which mentioned the decline in donations to a West Coast food bank due to inflation that is titled, "Demand for Those in Need and Inflation: Bay Area Food Bank Struggling to Keep Up With Demand as Donations Decline."
–Paul Whiting (written November 14th, 2022, revised November 17th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised December 11th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised April 9th, 2023, revised April 12th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023 and revised November 13th, 2023)
[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
November 18th, 2022 Update: I received a mailer from the United Nations World Food Program USA (WFPUSA) on November 18th, 2022, which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's main letter):
Dear Friend,
This year we have already witnessed a dramatic rise in hunger and hardships on families around the world. As conflicts increase and intensify, we stand today on the precipice of a historic decision on how we choose to address these global challenges.
Far too many people around the world don't have enough food for their next meal. Many families will be forced to go to sleep tonight on an empty stomach. Today, you have the chance to change that. A chance to fight the global hunger crisis and ensure that one less family has to worry about how to feed their hungry children.
Today, up to 828 million people don't have enough to eat, including 345 million people living in hunger crisis — the equivalent of the entire U.S. population. For millions of these people, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is their only source of food. Without our food deliveries, they will starve.
As in any emergency, children are in the most danger. In fact, 57% of all the people the U.N. World Food Programme serves are children.
If we don't act soon, an unprecedented number of lives will be lost.
Your emergency contribution of $15, $25, $35 or more at this critical time will make a lifesaving difference on the front lines of this hunger crisis. There has never been a time when we have needed you more.
That's because we are undertaking our largest scale-up ever to provide lifesaving meals to 152 million of the world's hungriest people. We are supplying emergency food assistance and essential nutrition support to people in more than 120 countries and territories around the world.
Join us today and help feed millions of hungry people throughout Africa, Asia, Latin American, the Middle East and wherever children and families go hungry. I assure you, any amount you give at this critical time will make a positive impact.
Ending hunger is the greatest challenge of our time, but together it is possible.
We have been on the front lines of the world's worst humanitarian crises, fighting hunger and famine since 1961. Every year, we serve 15 billion meals to more than 100 million people.
From emergency relief and immediate food assistance to long-term agriculture training and school meals programs, we help people build resilience to and overcome the ravages of hunger.
The U.N. World Food Programme has the knowledge, experience and supply network to deliver lifesaving food and support when and where the need is greatest. With you at our side, we can fight hunger. Your partnership will enable us to make a difference. However, we can only reach the world's most vulnerable people if everyone who is able does their part.
Join us today and help fight global hunger by taking the following steps:
1. Sign and return the enclosed Zero Hunger Pledge. Your pledge is a symbol of hope to those who need it most, who fight every day for a better life;
2. Include your generous gift of $15, $25, $35 or more with your signed pledge;
3. Spread the word about our lifesaving work.
Every year, 45 million children suffer from severe malnutrition. As a result, the lives of 3 million children are tragically lost.
That means, a child dies approximately every 10 seconds from hunger-related causes. So, in the time it took you to read this letter, 24 children died because they didn't have enough to eat.
Your actions today will help provide healthy meals and lifesaving nutrition treatments to children and families who may not survive without them.
The food you help provide today will determine whether it takes months, years or decades to overcome this hunger crisis. Please join today in the fight against global hunger.
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
P.S. Please join us today in the fight to end hunger by returning your signed Zero Hunger Pledge and your most generous gift in the envelope provided. You can donate online at wfpusa.org/givetoday. Lives hang in the balance. Now is the time to give.
And so, I made a one-time donation to the United Nations World Food Program USA online and I also signed their "Zero Hunger Pledge" to return in the mail, which I did today, November 18th, 2022.
You see, I recently donated to two local charitable organizations who are helping homeless folks, as well as to one local and one national charitable organization who are both helping hungry folks here in the United States of America, which I explained in my 'November 14th, 2022 Update,' which can be found above.
Therefore, I decided to include the world community in my donations this month for helping folks who are facing food insecurities—since I believe that the whole wide world deserves healthy and nutritious food—and I am so very thankful to be able to help those in need, because I'm an American!
–Paul Whiting (written November 18th, 2022, revised November 25th, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised November 13th, 2023 and revised December 18th, 2023)
October 24th, 2023 Update No. 7 [My Writing About How I Have Changed The Way That I Label My Blog Posts 'Updates' For Any Additional 'Updates' That I Write, After The First 'Update,' By Using A Simple Numbering System, Which Starts With The First 'Update' (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog)]:
I have changed the way I label the blog post 'updates' that I write because I oftentimes write more than one 'update' per day!
And in the past, I have labeled the second, third, fourth and fifth 'update' with the following extensions—on the days that I write more than 'update'—to differentiate any additional 'updates' from the first one, as follows:
[1st] Month Day, Year Update
[2nd] Month Day, Year Update—Continued
[3rd] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further
[4th] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further Some More
[5th] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before
However today, October 24th, 2023, I actually had more than five 'updates' to write, so I decided to change how I differentiate any additional 'updates,' from the first 'update,' by using a simple numbering system, which actually starts with the first 'update' that I write, as follows:
Month Day, Year Update No. 1
Month Day, Year Update No. 2
Month Day, Year Update No. 3
Month Day, Year Update No. 4
Month Day, Year Update No. 5
Month Day, Year Update No. 6
Month Day, Year Update No. 7
Therefore, that is why this 'update' is the seventh one for today! –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)
November 13th, 2023 Update No. 1: Thanksgiving Day is ten days away from today, November 13th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping those in need during the Thanksgiving holiday, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Portland Rescue Mission, Sisters of the Road, Blanchet House & Farm and Union Gospel Mission), as well as nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank), a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America), plus your favorite holiday red kettle "bell ringers" and mine (The Salvation Army)!
And I was inspired to make these donations by mailers that I recently received from some of the above-mentioned charitable organizations, including three mailers from local nonprofits helping homeless folks, one mailer from the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States helping hungry folks, as well as one mailer from everyone's favorite red kettle charity with the "bell ringers," who are well-known for collecting donations during the holiday season, as I mentioned above.
–Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised December 15th, 2023)
P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Thanksgiving donations for which I received the above-mentioned mailers!
Feeding America: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.
The Salvation Army: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.
Blanchet House & Farm: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 4—Which Also Discusses October 14th, 2023 And October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.
Union Gospel Mission: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 5—Which Also Discusses November 7th, 2023' that can be found below.
November 13th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from Feeding America seventeen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Lend a hand this Thanksgiving. Help a child facing hunger. Special match inside!", which stated the following:
[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]
Paul Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
Your gift can have DOUBLE the impact to help more children like [name redacted] get the meals they need.
October 4, 2023
Dear Paul Whiting,
During the holidays, [name redacted] wants nothing more than to spend time with her two children — [name redacted] and [name redacted]. [Name redacted] works in home healthcare, but like so many of us, she's been affected by the high cost of everyday necessities.
Everyone should have access to the food they need to thrive, especially at Thanksgiving.
Today, there are many people across America like [name redacted]. With food prices at record highs, parents are trying their best to make ends meet. As the holidays approach, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to gather with family and friends to share a delicious meal.
By supporting Feeding America during this season of giving, you can help our neighbors put food on the table. Normally, every $1 you give helps provide at least 10 meals through the Feeding America nationwide network of food banks. But right now, thanks to an exciting $350,000 challenge match from a generous donor, every $1 can have TWICE the impact and help provide at least 20 meals for families facing hunger this Thanksgiving.
Your generosity can help people like [name redacted] get nutritious food just in time for the holidays. Through her local food bank, a member of the Feeding America network, [name redacted] and her children were able to get everything they needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
"This is going to help a lot," [name redacted] said as volunteers loaded bags of holiday food including a ham and sides into her trunk. "We'll have this for the holiday and then have leftovers for a while, too."
We need passionate supporters like you right now. Please send a gift of $15, $20 or even $25 to Feeding America today with one of the enclosed Thanksgiving Match Replies.
Together, we can make sure nobody faces hunger this holiday season. Right now, the cost of a Thanksgiving meal is higher than it's been in decades. With your help, families facing hunger will be able to get all the ingredients they need for holiday meals—like a turkey or sweet potatoes.
Paul Whiting, when you extend a helping hand, you'll help neighbors like [name redacted] prepare a memorable Thanksgiving meal for their families.
I hope you send your donation to Feeding America as soon as possible. You can help neighbors get the meals they need this Thanksgiving and beyond. Thank you in advance for your support.
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Feeding America
P.S. Paul Whiting, please reply before Thanksgiving so your contribution can help children and families facing hunger get TWICE as many meals. Send your gift to Feeding America today to take advantage of the $350,000 challenge match.
Thank you for showing up for families facing hunger this holiday season.
"QR code message": Your gift can provide TWICE as many meals. Scan here or visit www.SupportFeedingAmerica.org/Match
At this special time of year, I want to share meals with children and families facing hunger in Oregon and across the country by giving to Feeding America. My enclosed donation of:
[ ] $15 can help provide at least 300 meals
[ ] I'm giving by credit card. (Please see section on back)
[✓] $7.00 can help provide as many main as possible.
[ ] I want to make an aven bigger impact by giving monthly
Paul Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
Right now, $15 can help provide at least 300 meals.
YOUR GIFT can have TWICE the impact for a child.
Give online: www.SupportFeedingAmerica.org/Match
And so, I made a one-time donation to Feeding America in order to support their "THANKSGIVING MATCH REPLY," because "right now, [$7] can help provide at least [140] meals." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)
P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update' from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog:
November 13th, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro seventeen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "GOOD NEWS INSIDE! ENCLOSED: VALUABLE THANKSGIVING MEAL VOUCHERS FOR YOU!", which stated the following:
[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]
The Salvation Army
Mr. Whiting,
Just $2.37 shares a filling Thanksgiving meal with a hungry neighbor in the Portland Metro area.
I pray you'll respond quickly!
— [Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Dear Mr. Whiting,
Just $2.37 gives a hungry neighbor a warm Thanksgiving meal. That's all it takes to share nourishing food — and God's love — with someone who is hungry and alone this season.
You know how hard this time of year can be for people who are struggling. And with inflation driving up the cost of everything, more of our neighbors are hurting. Many are facing hunger and hardship. Sadly, it's often the children who are affected the most.
But not if YOU help!
Imagine the joy your gift will offer a mom or dad who worried there would be no Thanksgiving dinner for their children. Or imagine the smile that will light up the face of a hungry senior who thought she was all alone.
That's the power of what you can do simply by giving today!
And when you give, you'll feel good knowing you shared a love beyond hunger with local families who are less fortunate. It's what this season is really all about!
✴ We've enclosed valuable Thanksgiving Meal Vouchers for you. Please use them to decide how many meals you can provide to a hungry neighbor in the Portland Metro area.
+ A gift of $9.48, along with the red voucher, will provide 4 meals.
+ If you give $18.96 with the blue voucher, that will mean 8 meals.
+ Or use the green voucher, and fill in the amount you can give. We'll provide as many Thanksgiving meals as we can, thanks to your gift!
Mr. Whiting, your previous generosity has helped so much. Whichever amount you can give today, please know how blessed we feel to count on your support of The Salvation Army. You give our neighbors the courage to move forward, even when they face their darkest days.
You should feel very proud!
So please continue to make a life-changing impact by sending a gift today.
May God bless you for all you're doing to reach out to people in the Portland Metro area who need our compassion most.
Thank you for your kindness and support!
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
P.S. I hope you enjoy the special Thanksgiving stories I've enclosed, showing how you share love beyond hunger for our neighbors in need.
→ Remember: Just $2.37 provides a meal! With inflation impacting so many families with children in the Portland Metro area, your gift will mean so much. Please give generously so a hungry neighbor has the food and friendship they need this Thanksgiving. Thank you.
[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army this holiday season!]
The Salvation Army
When [name redacted] was just 8 years old, she suffered a devastating loss: Her mother passed away.
It was traumatizing. But [name redacted] treasured the memories she had. One of those was how her mother kept their home. especially the way she decorated it and made it her own.
As she grew up, [name redacted] always dreamed of having a place she could call her own, just like her mom.
Yet, years later, when [name redacted] was expecting her own child, those dreams seemed very far away. [Name redacted] and her fiancé [name redacted] were struggling to keep their heads above water. They felt the odds were against them. They didn't know where to turn.
Fortunately, and thanks to friends like you, the young couple did know where they could go for some much-needed food: The Salvation Army. Here, they knew that whatever else they faced, they could find a good meal, [name redacted] could meet her own nutritional needs, as well as those of the baby on the way.
Throughout the year, neighbors turn to The Salvation Army for food — especially at Thanksgiving, And this Thanksgiving, we're expecting many more families to come through our doors. The ongoing high prices for food and other essentials are making it harder for neighbors to make ends meet.
During one of [name redacted] and [name redacted's] visits, they found out about other programs your support helps make possible. Nervous at first, the couple worked up the courage to ask for additional help. And your kindness came through for them!
We helped them find housing — and provided them with the support and skills needed to keep it. This was so important as they welcomed a new baby to their growing family.
[Name redacted] calls the support you helped provide "a miracle." And [name redacted] finally achieved her dream, grateful to have her "home sweet home."
The couple encourages others who are going through hard times to come to The Salvation Army for help. "Now I get to pass on the blessing to other people who are going through the same thing," [name redacted] smiles.
When times are hard, whether at Thanksgiving or any other time of year, you've been there for your neighbors. We are very grateful... and so are they.
President Abraham Lincoln first proclaimed Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1863 — the result of a 17-year letter-writing campaign by a woman named Sarah Hale. This wasn't Hale's only writing success. She also penned the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
The tradition of football games played on Thanksgiving predates the National Football League, going all the way back to 1876, not long after the game was invented. It made sense, as Thanksgiving was a day most people had off from work.
According to a 2015 Harris poll. most people actually prefer eating Thanksgiving food as leftovers. It wasn't close, either. The poll found that nearly 8 out of 10 Americans. enjoyed the next day's turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pie more than they did at the original meal.
Here at The Salvation Army, the holidays are always a busy time. This Thanksgiving, we expect many of our neighbors will be coming to us for help.
By making a Thanksgiving gift today, you share a love beyond hunger and hopelessness with:
+ FAMILIES — hardworking moms and dads struggling to make ends meet, worried about how they'll put food on the table and a roof over their children's heads. Your gift will help ease their burden, providing the food they need along with words of hope and encouragement.
+ SENIORS — lonely, sometimes facing an illness, and often challenged to stretch a limited income far enough to cover both food and medications. You'll brighten their Thanksgiving with nutritious food and compassion.
+ MEN AND WOMEN who are homeless — hurt, hungry, and almost without hope. You'll offer them food, nourish their spirits, and restore their hope.
Because you are a compassionate person, YOU can make this Thanksgiving even more meaningful. Your generous gift to The Salvation Army shares your blessings with people in need. What a wonderful way to honor the spirit of the holiday — and to give thanks! Please consider making a special Thanksgiving gift.
Your generous gift shares your blessings at Thanksgiving — and offers love beyond the holidays, too.
THANK YOU, may God bless you, and may you and yours enjoy a happy Thanksgiving.
[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army this holiday season!]
Enclosed is my gift to provide as many meals as possible to our hungry neighbors at Thanksgiving: $7.00
JUST $2.37 A MEAL! Any amount will help!
Thank you! Please make your check payable to The Salvation Army, and mail it with this voucher in the enclosed envelope. See back of form to give by credit card, or donate securely online at SalArmy-Cascade.org.
From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division in order to support The Salvation Army's 2023 ANNUAL THANKSGIVING APPEAL, because "just $2.37 shares a filling Thanksgiving meal with a hungry neighbor in the Portland Metro area." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)
P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update' from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog:
November 13th, 2023 Update No. 4—Which Also Discusses October 14th, 2023 And October 26th, 2023: I received two mailers from Blanchet House & Farm recently. The first mailer that I received was thirty days ago on October 14th, 2023, which stated the following:
[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]
From the Executive Director
Blanchet Farm's mural recovery program has been incredibly successful in helping people change their Eues for the better. But the facilities are worn out.
The Blanchet Farm capital campaign is raising critical funds to build a stronger future for our one-of-a-kind rural addiction recovery program. It will give us the ability to add trauma-informed spaces where the Yamhill County community can come together to hope and heal.
Your donation builds futures.
-[Name redacted]
Watch the Video
Scan the QR code to learn more about how your support will help build a strong future for our rural addiction recovery program.
"Rebuilding Blanchet Farm: Capital Campaign" on YouTube:
Therapeutic work aids recovery.
Residents learn new skills while being present in a nature.
Residents engage in on activity that builds: confidence and self-worth.
Residents show and receive love to the animals without fear of judgment.
New Programs
This program will give residents meaningful ways to take pride in their work.
New programs, such as welding, will provide skills training and opportunities for job placement.
The Facility
A new 14,000 square feet mix-use facility will benefit the antine community by providing a pathway for up to 21 men too overcome addiction and homelessness.
A meaningful gift will:
FORGE WORKFORCES: $10 per month
CONSTRUCT HOPE: $25 per month
GROW COMMUNITY: $50 per month
BUILD RECOVERY: $100 per month
Donate today! Help rebuild Blanchet Farm.
Please accept this [ ] Monthly [✓] One-time donation of $7.00
Donor Info
Name: Paul Whiting
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]
Scan to Donate Online:
The second mailer that I received from Blanchet House & Farm was seventeen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the newsletter that read, "A Meal. A Home. A Future.", which stated the following:
[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]
Blanchet House & Farm
383 hot dogs and four vegan dogs were served for dinner on Labor Day thanks to your generous donations. We asked supporters to bring Blanchet [House of Hospitality] buns and you delivered!
"It's Labor Day so people are doing hot dogs, hamburgers and we thought we could do that too, [name redacted], [title redacted] said. "We are open on holidays because people still need food."
[Name redacted] also made homemade potato salad. Our guests were very grateful. One young man was overcome with gratitude for the hospitality and hugged a volunteer!
A little kindness means so much to people struggling.
Day Spaces Are Needed Now More Than Ever
By [Name redacted]
With Portland's new camping ban in effect, nonprofits like Blanchet House that provide daytime services are seeing an influx of clients, as people are now required to be mobile during the day.
The new low requires people experiencing homelessness to pack up their belongings by 8 a.m. A violation can result in a $100 fine and/or 30 days in jail.
More people are seeking the warmth of our cafe. We served an unbelievable 53% more meals in Sept. 2023 than in Sept 2022! We also receive more calls and inquiries about joining our residential programs. We can house up to 45 men at Blanchet House.
Because of this, we're allowing diners to bring in more of their belongings. Allowing pets, small carts bikes, suitcases, and other personal property helps guests enjoy meals without fear of their things being stolen. We know that the few possessions they have are critical for surviving the night outdoors.
Why else are day spaces like our low-barrier cafe needed, especially now?
1. We serve people experiencing dire poverty, not just people who are unsheltered. Our services help people make ends meet, enjoy community, and provide a kitchen that many low-income rooming houses lack.
2. Our peer support specialists help guests sign up for housing, disability, and can refer them to shelters.
3. We're serving people in marginalized groups who due to discrimination are often the last to secure stable shelter. This includes our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities, people with untreated mental illness, or those awaiting detox.
4. We provide critical services like food, clothing, hygiene products, and hope to keep people moving forward.
The more we can do to stabilize people living homeless, the more successful we'll be in placing them in housing. When you donate to Blanchet House you are providing so much more than food. You're offering support for a better future!
What do you want people know about you?
"I'm a good man. I try to help people," says [name redacted]. "What happens to me isn't just my story, it's the whole community's story. My success will be because of community support. Thank you from my heart."
Resident Saves Diner's Life
It seems that most residents staying with us at Blanchet House and Blanchet Farm have a unique background and surprising skills.
[Name redacted] (above) is one of those special souls. He watched cafe staff try to save a man's life with Narcan from his window one day. The man had overdosed and stopped breathing. As a former nurse, [name redacted] knew that the stranger needed to have his head adjusted so he could start breathing again. [Name redacted] ran outside to do just that and the man became conscious. He saved a stranger's life.
"I'm drawn to helping where I can. Just because I'm not a nurse anymore doesn't mean my skills have gone away," [name redacted] told us. "I've learned what my real purpose is being here. I've always been in the health field and I want to stay in it and figure out how. Being here has really given me a lot of hope for my future."
[Name redacted] came to stay with us after finding himself homeless due to health challenges. His positive presence has influenced many of us. Thank you.
Donations make our residential programs possible. We need your support to give men like [name redacted] a second chance.
Untreated Mental Health Hurts
Pictured above is [name redacted], cafe manager, bringing a guest a sleeping bag and rolling suitcase. "L" sadly was released to the street from a hospital with only the clothes on her back. She showed us her papers with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and a prescription she didn't trust. Blanchet's sidewalk has become her home, the only place she feels safe.
We have quite a few guests like "L" who suffer with untreated mental illness. Their severe illness won't allow them to accept help and they are excluded from shelters because of their behaviors. Their families have often walked all avenues to help them. So becoming homeless is the fate of many.
They are so alone and sleeping in horrific conditions.
Building trust with people who've experienced so much trauma takes time. Our caring staff works day by day to do just that so we can help end suffering.
Your support makes our services and hospitality possible.
We're participating in Give Guide again this year! Willamette Week, a local newspaper, hosts Give Guide as a fun way to support local charities like Blanchet House & Farm. Donations given via Give Guide's website enter you to receive special gifts like:
[✓] A bag of Stumptown coffee
[✓] A 12oz jar of Ground Up cinnamon snicker doodle nut butter
[✓] Wood cutting boards hand crafted at Blanchet Farm
PLUS: This year, we're offering donors an exclusive event with master beekeeper [name redacted] at Blanchet Farm. This event will include a farm tour, guest speakers, and a tasting of honey harvested from our hives.
Scan the QR code with your smart phone to view all Give!Guide gifts and the dates to enter.
Scan the QR code to enter your email address.
You can also call us to sign up over the phone at [phone number redacted].
We will never share or sell your information with anyone outside of our organization
A man sleeping outside our building was seen wearing gloves for shoes. We looked in our clothing closet for a pair to offer him but were out of large sizes for men. We seem to always be in need of sizes 10-12.
We're asking supporters to please purchase a new pair of men's athletic shoes or donate gently used shoes. It's important that shoes not be torn or have worn away soles because it is our mission to restore dignity to the people we serve--head to toe.
Drop Off
Mon-Sat, 8-10:30 a.m. or 1:30-4 p.m.
Ship To [Street Address redacted]
The incredible veterinarian [name redacted], volunteers every month to help the pets of people experiencing homelessness and poverty. He hosts a free animal care clinic in our parking lot during lunch.
With the Oregon Humane Society where he's a board member, [name redacted] provides free vaccines, flea and tick treatments, leashes, and food. He can also refer animals with higher care needs to free clinics for treatment.
Rebuilding Blanchet Farm
We are excited to share that construction on a new dormitory and facility has begun at Blanchet Farm! It's been a long time coming. The facilities were worn out, in disrepair, and desperately needed to be rebuilt.
Blanchet Farm was opened in 1962 as a place of refuge and recovery for people struggling with addiction and other challenges. The farm's rural recovery program has been incredibly successful in helping people better their lives. But we need your help to complete the construction.
Building a Future
On May 31, 2023 we broke ground on a 14,000 square feet mix-use facility that will benefit the entire community. The new dormitory will provide a pathway for up to 24 men to overcome addiction and homelessness.
It will also include:
[✓] Offices for social ventures to support the nonprofit mission of the farm.
[✓] Space for case management to help residents access mental and physical health care, employment, and housing.
[✓] An energy efficient kitchen and larger dining area.
[✓] Areas for the outside community to attend AA and NA meetings.
[✓] Room for children and families to reconnect.
Clean Energy Efficiency
The new facility will operate using clean solar energy thanks to a grant from Portland General Electric's 2022 Renewable Development Fund. The Renewable Development Fund, which awards grants for clean energy projects in the community, is fully funded by PGE'S Green Future customers.
Help Us Rebuild Blanchet Farm!
For more information on the Building Pathways Home campaign, visit the website by scanning the QR code.
We Serve the Lost and Missing
Our free cafe has become a hub for people lost and those looking for them. Recently we found a flier (pictured) taped to the window.
It read:
Missing [name redacted]
Please Call Home
God Bless You!!
We receive countless emails, calls, and messages asking if we've seen a missing loved one. We welcome families to stand outside the cafe to see if their loved one comes or goes but we respect our guests' privacy while they are inside dining with us.
It's very sad for families and friends.
This summer a mom and dad drove from Idaho looking for their son. The next day a woman came in tears looking for her husband who had relapsed. They all said thanks for offering services to their loved ones.
If you can, please donate today so we can provide refuge for people suffering. Their loved ones thank you too.
I'd rather sleep outside than in a shelter. I've had too many bad experiences there," said K., a meal guest living in a tent nearby. Her HOPE ring caught our eye.
K. is looking for a room with a bathroom but can't work. Our peer support staff are helping K. sign up for disability and get on to housing lists. She will need our daily support for meals and clothing while she waits.
K.'s not the first woman, and won't be the last, we've supported during a difficult time. We received this message on Facebook from the daughter of a woman who dined with us:
[Name redacted]
Blanchet house kept my biological mom alive while she waited 18 year[s] for her disability claim to be approved. She's since been living safely and independently in her own home. Thank you for all you do ☺️ 💕
And so, I made a one-time donation to the capital campaign for Blanchet Farm in order to "help rebuild Blanchet Farm" because "the Blanchet Farm capital campaign is raising critical funds to build a stronger future for our one-of-a-kind rural addiction recovery program." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised November 24th, 2023)
P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update' from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog:
November 13th, 2023 Update No. 5—Which Also Discusses November 7th, 2023: I received a mailer from Union Gospel Mission six days ago on November 7th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Your Thanksgiving newsletter is enclosed.", which stated the following:
[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]
The Path To LifeChange
November 1, 2023
Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
Dear Paul,
Before coming to the Mission, [name redacted] had nothing to be grateful for, no reason to get up in the morning and definitely no hope that tomorrow would be any better than today.
But then God stepped in, and He used friends like you to do it. Now, [redacted] is a completely different person and he's one of the most grateful people I know. That's why I'm so excited to tell you his story in our Thanksgiving newsletter, which we recently redesigned. Let me know what you think!
Life change like his isn't commonplace on the streets of Portland. But Life Changes Here all time the at the Mission. And it happens because of partners like you. As the [title redacted] and [title redacted] of the Mission, I have a unique insight.
I see how generous you are.
I see the difference it makes.
I know that this place doesn't work without you.
So I have to ask: Will you give a Thanksgiving gift like you did last year?
Paul, [name redacted] didn't come to us during the holidays, but as you know, a lot of people do. In fact, it's our busiest time of year. That means with your help again this year, we can share God's love with a lot more hurting people. Will you help make that possible by giving a gift of $11.65, $16.31 or $23.30 to provide Thanksgiving meals?
During Thanksgiving week we'll serve over 1,000 holiday meals. But only with your help!
Change lives even faster by giving online: ugmportland.org/here
In Christ,
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
P.S. To help in time for Thanksgiving, please respond by Nov. 20. Every $2.33 you give provides a full Thanksgiving meal.
Every $2.33 you give provides an entire Thanksgiving meal for someone like [name redacted].
Yes, [name redacted]! I will help provide meals at Thanksgiving again this year!
I'm sending a gift of:
[ ] $16.31 to provide 7 meals.
[ ] $23.30 to provide 10 meals.
[ ] $11.65 to provide 5 meals.
[✓] $7.00 to provide as many meals as possible.
Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
"I don't know how I survived." -[Name redacted]
• Alive and Thriving Because of You!
• Your Passions Are Not Boring
• It's Not a Transaction. It's a Relationship.
"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence." Jeremiah 17:7
Alive and Thriving Because of You!
HUNGER. REGRET. PAIN. SHAME. REMORSE. Those are the feelings that [name redacted] was always trying to escape. Meth and fentanyl helped for a little while, but the hunger and all the rest of those feelings would always come back.
He was homeless for four years, living in his car, scraping by just to eat and get his next fix. Then, on a Sunday night, [name redacted] finally gave up.
"For the first time in four years, I looked up and instead of cursing God and being mad at Him, I asked Him for help," he says.
The next morning, he called the Mission. A few hours later, he was walking through our doors.
For [name redacted], even coming here was a big challenge. He remembers walking past other people on the streets who were shooting up and smoking.
He remembers feeling drawn back to the drugs, almost stopping a few times.
"It was scary fighting through the gauntlet of people out there. but when I got through the doors, I was home and I knew it," he says. "It was a good place. It was a safe place to come."
"Now with the Mission, I have a family to be a part of."
It took [name redacted] about a month to detox. During that time, the meals friends like you provided helped nourish him.
As he watched the other men in the LifeChange Recovery Program, he began to imagine a new life for himself.
"I was looking at these guys and I've never seen somebody ever do anything so brave in my life," [name redacted] says.
Now, six months in, [name redacted] is the brave one. He's opened up to people and to God in ways he never imagined.
"All I needed was a relationship with Christ to get repaired, and this place gave me a safe place to do that, to dig into the word and find out who God is," says [name redacted].
It's All About Relationships
"Here, they support restoring relationships... It's what makes you feel human."
Today [name redacted] isn't just feeling human, he's feeling fully alive.
"Every step that I've made towards recovery is what Christ has given me," he says.
The Lord, working through friends like you, has given [name redacted] hot meals at the Mission, a bed to sleep in, time in our LifeChange program, the gift of sobriety and the joy of being around people. In fact, last Thanksgiving all he wanted was to be alone. This Thanksgiving, he can't wait to eat and celebrate with others.
Friends like you are the only reason [name redacted] was able to discover that Life Changes Here. Thank you for helping him when no one else would. Thank you for giving him the chance to live a new life.
We're Thankful For . . .
We asked our guests what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving, and here's what a few of them said:
"I'm so thankful for the food at the Mission! I don't have to stress about where my next meal is going to come from. Having those basic needs met is key to my recovery. I can spend that time and energy healing from past wounds."
[Name redacted]
Previous LifeChange Resident
"I'm so happy to have the food during Thanksgiving. It's pretty miserable when you're on the streets and have nowhere to go during the holidays. Coming to the Mission makes all that go away. Even if it's just for a moment, I feel loved and at peace here."
[Name redacted]
Homeless Services Guest
"When I was out on the streets, it felt like the whole world was against me . . . Being at the Mission for the holidays is such a treat. Having a warm meal and chatting with all the guests really brings joy to the season."
[Name redacted]
Previous LifeChange Resident
"There's always a line out the door at the Mission, especially during the holidays . . . but they don't leave you lined up, they come out and offer some coffee and water, and talk with you. They do all they can to make you comfortable as you wait."
[Name redacted]
Homeless Services Guest
Your Passions Are Not Boring
There are people who know that planned giving falls into the same category as wills, trusts and estate plans. They may be right. But to us, it means so much more.
To us, planned giving is about sharing your passion and leaving a legacy that shows your loved ones what matters most to you. And there's nothing boring about that. In fact, we think it's so important that we launched a Planned Giving program.
If you don't already have a legacy plan that incintes bonoring the things you are most passionate about, we'd love to help. To get started, contact [name redacted] at [email redacted]
Thanks for Being Part of Our Family
TRADITIONS ARE HONORED in my family. Every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter are spent together around a dinner table enjoying each other's company and sharing a good meal. We always open with a prayer of thankfulness for what the Lord has done for us, all we have been provided, and thoughts of those less fortunate. My best friend is a LifeChange graduate who always joins us.
But holidays can be very difficult for those in LifeChange. Separation from family and facing a lifetime of bad decisions is a formula for depression and self-medication. Thankfully, many LifeChange residents at the Mission can create new families. They are no longer alone. Many know what it's like to come through the front door broken. To join others who love the Lord and are seeking a new life creates hope and new friendships. They find that wherever they have been and whatever they have done God loves them. God forgives them. God desires a relationship with them. And through Jesus we can all be radically changed.
[Name redacted] came by a my office today with his wife [name redacted] to say hello. [Name redacted] graduated from LifeChange 22 years ago and he came to say thank you to UGM [Union Gospel Mission] for saving his life. He's battling cancer and he knows that we love him. That we pray for him. And that we stand by him like a good family member does.
In Christ,
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
It's Not a Transaction.
It's a Relationship.
The Union Copel Mission is not a transactional place.
Sure, people can come in, eat a hot meal and leave. They absolutely can stay just one night in our winter shelter and never come back. They can accept a hot cup of coffee from our Search+Rescue team and not tell us their name.
But most of the time that's not what happens.
Most of the time, those services — especially meals — allow us to build relationships, that's why Life Changes Here.
So while each $2.33 you give will provide a meal. it will also do more. That meal makes it possible for us to develop relationships, share the love of Jesus Christ with our hurting neighbors, and help them begin living new lives!
Without support from friends like you, the Mission can't keep its doors open — let alone provide thousands of Thanksgiving meals or nights of safe shelter. If you can help, please rush a gift today.
Thanksgiving is our busiest time of the year, which means it's our biggest opportunity to reach the most people.
Give quickly, safely and easily at: ugmportland.org/here
Heart of Hope Partner
Become a Monthly Heart of Hope Partner
When you sign up to give monthly, you'll know you're changing lives every day while saving postage and administrative costs and making sure that vital Mission programs keep running.
To sign up or find out more, call [phone number redacted] or visit ugmportland.org/heart-of-hope
Through the transformative power of Jesus Christ, we open life-changing pathways to people experiencing homelessness, hunger, addiction, and abuse.
And so, I made a one-time donation to Union Gospel Mission in order to "GIVE THANKSGIVING MEALS," which is why I donated "[$7.00] to provide as many meals as possible." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)
P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update' from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog:
November 6th, 2024 Update No. 1 [My Writing About No Longer Being An 'Online Activist' In Any Way, Shape Or Form]: Due to Donald Trump winning the 2024 Presidential Election—and until further notice—I am no longer being an 'Online Activist' in any way, shape or form, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, and no longer sending letters to my Representative and Senators in Congress, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes. Full stop! I am also unsubscribing from any of the emails that I used to receive from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations. In fact, I am even cancelling all of my monthly political donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations, as well as to the USO (United Service Organizations), in addition to cancelling all of my monthly news organization subscriptions, or news organization donations, because I am absolutely terrified of this second Trump administration. And I fully expect that democracy in America as we know will be over! So, I am choosing to not engage in any 'activism' whatsoever—plus, I am not even sure that I will be exercising my 'civic duty' by voting in any upcoming elections because, as a (formerly) donating and a (potentially former) voting Democrat, I totally fear the retribution of President Donald J. Trump. Full stop! –Paul Whiting (written November 6th, 2024 and revised November 7th, 2024)
This "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" Post No. 327 was edited on November 7th, 2024.
"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]