Saturday, December 31, 2022

Post No. 333: For The New Year(s) — Please Take Care Of My Future

(Image by Paul Whiting)


Please Take Care Of My Future
(Or, "God Is Us")

This post is a work in progress.

You see, creative writing takes a lot of time and energy—and I am currently editing blog posts, so I will write this post as soon as I can.

Thus, I will be completing this blog post as soon as I am able to do so!

And while you're waiting for me to complete this blog post, I hope that you will consider reading my past writing—as well as some of my current writing—including some originally written on Post-it® Notes, some written on my old business cards, and the rest written on Office Depot® Brand Professional 100% Recycled 5" x 8" Legal Pads, which I published in chronological order, wherever possible. I have also tried to keep my past writing in the original format—as much as possible—in order to maintain the integrity of the handwriting, while at the same time I still corrected the handwriting in order to clarify any confusing wording and/or punctuation.

So, please consider reading my past writing—as well as some of my current writing—which can be found below "My Writing Notes."

(By the way, some of my past writing below is also published as blogs posts, because some of this writing was actually the main topic of certain blog posts!)

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

P.S.: By the way, my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, is where I do most of my 'new' writing, because this blog post is where I document all of my current "Online Activism" in the 'updates' that I write, which are listed in date (chronological) order by year, month and day.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:


My Writing Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose, and/or these poems, can be summed up with the following statement:

This post is a work in progress. You see, creative writing takes a lot of time and energy—and I am currently editing blog posts, so I will write this post as soon as I can. Thus, I will be completing this blog post as soon as I am able to do so!

And while you're waiting for me to complete this blog post, I hope that you will consider reading my past writing—as well as some of my current writing—including some originally written on Post-it® Notes, some written on my old business cards, and the rest written on Office Depot® Brand Professional 100% Recycled 5" x 8" Legal Pads, which I published in chronological order, wherever possible. I have also tried to keep my past writing in the original format—as much as possible—in order to maintain the integrity of the handwriting, while at the same time I still corrected the handwriting in order to clarify any confusing wording and/or punctuation.

So, please consider reading my past writing—as well as some of my current writing—which can be found below "My Writing Notes."

(By the way, some of my past writing below is also published as blogs posts, because some of this writing was actually the main topic of certain blog posts!)

And these poems were, and/or this prose was, only published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog.

These poems were, and/or this prose was, written in Portland, Oregon.



My Past Writing, Which Was Originally Written On Post-it® Notes, On My Old Business Cards, And On Office Depot® Brand Professional 100% Recycled 5" x 8" Legal Pads:

I hope that you will consider reading my past writing—as well as some of my current writing—including some originally written on Post-it® Notes, some written on my old business cards, and the rest written on Office Depot® Brand Professional 100% Recycled 5" x 8" Legal Pads, which I published in chronological order, wherever possible. I have also tried to keep my past writing in the original format—as much as possible—in order to maintain the integrity of the handwriting, while at the same time I still corrected the handwriting in order to clarify any confusing wording and/or punctuation. So, please enjoy my past writing—as well as some of my current writing—which can be found below. (By the way, some of my past writing below is also published as blogs posts, because some of this writing was actually the main topic of certain blog posts!)


My Past Writing On Post-it® Notes:

"New Life" Insurance policies to pay parents $$$ if they get pregnant! –Paul Whiting (written date unknown, revised April 30th, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)


Diamonds in the buff from those diamonds in the rough. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


I fear a "successful death." I don't fear dying due to being inadequate; I fear dying due to being successful. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised June 30th, 2023)


It's not what you are that matters (i.e., your looks), but who you are (i.e., your soul). –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


They [conservatives] are getting stressed out by other people's imaginations. (Think of Dad...) –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


We are familiarizing ourselves with ourselves in order to bond with ourselves and to know self love[.] –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


The "New Ones" suffer from the Illusion of Entitlement. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


There's a problem with males only feeling connected with others thru sex with women/only thru penetration[.] (They aren't bonding with other males intimately) –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


Public sex is a big issue, since it's okay to watch war, but it is NOT okay to watch sex. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


We're okay with holding public acts of violence, but NOT public acts of love. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


Like the peace sign [which is depicted] (by hand) [gestures], we are all two parts: conscious and subconscious[.] –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


Orphans are being blamed for their father's mistake (You bastard!) just like women are being blamed for rape! And God's children are being blamed for God's mistake. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


Children are born hungry—not sinful... Darkness is NOT a sin—it's hunger[.] –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


The vast majority of any population is average, since the vast majority of energy in an atom is neutral (which may relate to the bell curve). –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


Neutrality is our "Super-Natural" State. –Paul Whiting (September 26th, 2010)


Where the sidewalk ends is the "Edge of the World" and is symbolic of the limitation of one's understanding of things. –Paul Whiting (written date "09/18")


My Past Writing On My Old "Small All White In The Forest" Business Cards:

A STATE CALLED HELL is where negative souls go in order to be re-trained in positivity. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


Not making love to, but making love with! –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


HELL is starting over! (Or, HELL is having to re-do already done work) –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


THE OLD SYSTEM: I OWN YOU (IOU); I OWE YOU (IOU). THE NEW SYSTEM: Individual Operating Unit[.] –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


Universes are just like popcorn. –Paul Whiting (August 14th, 2011)


Glorify Self-Attraction through healthy masturbation. –Paul Whiting (October 21st, 2011)


Hell is starting over and Heaven is starting a new! –Paul Whiting (October 22nd, 2011)


We are Vacuum Energy and our home (The Vacuum) is the potential for creating work (The Universe), which is how we Self-Express. –Paul Whiting (November 7th, 2011)


God can only demonstrate how to live as Vacuum Energy in The Vacuum ('Alone in a Vacuum forever'); God cannot live for you in The Vacuum. –Paul Whiting (November 7th, 2011)


The Greatest Challenge that we have to face as individual units of vacuum energy in The Vacuum is the very thing that makes it possible for us to exist: mathematics. –Paul Whiting (November 17th, 2011)


The only thing literal is that everything is a metaphor. –Paul Whiting (November 28th, 2011)


You cannot have what you do not create. –Paul Whiting (November 29th, 2011)


We are the potential energy of a vacuum (vacuum energy) and we can all become self-contained units of creation. –Paul Whiting (December 5th, 2011)


The One is the First Female and she is the creator of all the souls. –Paul Whiting (December 18th, 2011)


My goal is to create a Blame-Free Life for myself and everyone else around me! –Paul Whiting (January 2nd, 2012)


Every single being is a success story waiting to happen. –Paul Whiting (January 19th, 2012)


Do not fear making mistakes! Instead, always make calculated mistakes and, then, purposefully correct them. –Paul Whiting (January 19th, 2012)


If your goal in life is to fix the 'Great Flaw' in the System of Life, please feel free to look to yourself to do so. –Paul Whiting (February 7th, 2012)


God isn't a proud master; God is a humble servant. –Paul Whiting (February 11th, 2012)


God is the ground beneath our feet! God is the air that we breath! God is the food that we eat! For, God is everything! –Paul Whiting (February 12th, 2012)


The Littlest Voice is the voice that God listens to the most! For, The Littlest Voice represents the humble Voice of God. –Paul Whiting (February 23rd, 2012)


Integrity comes from within! For, you must first be totally honest with yourself in order to be totally honest with others. –Paul Whiting (February 27th, 2012)


My Past Writing On My Old "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Business Cards:

The Keys To All Happiness:

0. Self-Responsibility!
1. Self-Expression!
2. Self-Identity!
3. Self-Care!
4. Self-Love!
5. Fear Facing!

–Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


True Beauty is SELF-ATTRACTION –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


WORK = SEX (i.e., Asexual Reproduction) –Paul Whiting (written date unknown)


All of Creation is...Paradoxical Theatrical Therapy[.] –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised April 30th, 2023)


The Blessed Miracle of Science! –Paul Whiting (December 10th, 2013)


There is Hope even in being born as Total Nothingness! The paradox is that You are the Hope of Nothing. –Paul Whiting (May 1st, 2014)


What does Nothing become when Nothing Falls in Love with Oneself, due to the Ability of Nothing to become—literally—Everything that Exists? [Answer: Self-Love!] –Paul Whiting (May 8th, 2014 and revised April 30th, 2023)


A Universe is a Vibrating Field of "What Are You?" –Paul Whiting (May 20th, 2014)


A Universe is a Vibrating Field of "What Am I?" –Paul Whiting (May 20th, 2014)


Fear not! For, it is not the End of the Whole Show... The curtain has simply been drawn on the Production and the thespian has moved on to Yet Another Play! –Paul Whiting (May 20th, 2014)


The Most Important Relationship in Life: The First and Most Important Relationship that You Have in Life is the Relationship that You Have with Yourself! –Paul Whiting (June 27th, 2014)


There must be more than One of Everything since we are intrinsically Nothing Differentiating. –Paul Whiting (July 7th, 2014)


Violence DOES NOT SOLVE Problems! Violence ONLY CREATES Problems! –Paul Whiting (July 12th, 2014)


Don't let your credit limit be the only reason that you stop spending money on your credit cards! (Ha!) –Paul Whiting (July 18th, 2014)


Devote Your Life to Helping "The One" to Heal from Being Born as Nothing, because that "Life Plan" will Heal You too! –Paul Whiting (July 19th, 2014)


Everything is Nothing Looking Back at Itself! –Paul Whiting (August 2nd, 2014)


Everything is Nothing Expressing Itself! –Paul Whiting (August 2nd, 2014)


Lord Above; Lord Below; Lord Everywhere You Go! –Paul Whiting (August 6th, 2014)


You have been engineering physics ever since you were born inside of physics... –Paul Whiting (August 10th, 2014)


Physics is a Computerized Therapeutic Theater! –Paul Whiting (August 22nd, 2014)


Discover Your Inner Self-Lover, Because You Are The One, True Love Of Your Life! –Paul Whiting (August 23rd, 2014)


A Universe is "A Fictional Story" (or, "A Theatrical Contrivance," if you will) which is written—so to speak—by the Particular Deity Who Designed That Particular Universe. –Paul Whiting (September 11th, 2014)


You can Heal Yourself from being Born as Literally Nothing by Playing Every Theatrical Role that You Create in Every Fictional Story that You Write, thereby, Expressing Yourself—and Caring for Yourself—as Literally Nothing! –Paul Whiting (September 14th, 2014)


The Only Thing Preventing You from Being Happy is You NOT Facing Your Fears! –Paul Whiting (September 18th, 2014)


It is NOT "What is Across from You" that is Important in Life: It Is You! For, whatever is Across from You, Paradoxically, is You in Physics! –Paul Whiting (September 25th, 2014)


The Reality is that Universes are a Fantasy! –Paul Whiting (September 29th, 2014)


You are NOT a God to Others! You are ONLY a God to Yourself! –Paul Whiting (October 3rd, 2014)


Universes are Fantasies Brought to Life! –Paul Whiting (October 19th, 2014)


Blame is a Disease of the Soul. –Paul Whiting (October 21st, 2014)


The Problem with Cheaters is that they wish to see themselves as being accomplished, but with little effort—or no effort—on their part. –Paul Whiting (October 28th, 2014)


The only thing to that is "free" in existence is non-existence. –Paul Whiting (November 14th, 2014)


We are Non-Existence Working! And we began as Non-Existence Thinking! ("What am I?") –Paul Whiting (November 14th, 2014)


The Shamanic Death is Your Soul Dying to the Old Ways of Thinking... (Keep Calm and Face Your Fears) –Paul Whiting (November 14th, 2014)


Universes are "Life Therapy." –Paul Whiting (November 27th, 2014)


The relationship with yourself never ends! –Paul Whiting (January 7th, 2015)


Your Soul Is Your Home! –Paul Whiting (January 25th, 2015)


Your Soul Is The Only Reality You Will Ever Know. –Paul Whiting (February 9th, 2015)


You cannot save another soul! You can only save your own soul! –Paul Whiting (March 14th, 2015)


You can't stop living life (today) just because you might be dead (tomorrow). –Paul Whiting (written March 16th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


Physics is the process of evolution and it never ends. –Paul Whiting (March 14th, 2015)


You are everything unto yourself! –Paul Whiting (March 17th, 2015)


The process of evolution never ends! –Paul Whiting (March 20th, 2015)


Every soul that exists is God—without exception! –Paul Whiting (March 21st, 2015)


You are engineering physics—literally everywhere you go—all the time! –Paul Whiting (March 22nd, 2015)


The process of physics is evolution—and it's the evolution of you! –Paul Whiting (March 22nd, 2015)


You are not alone! You have never been alone—you are there! –Paul Whiting (March 24th, 2015)


Nobody else can be God for you, but you! –Paul Whiting (March 25th, 2015)


We are all really negative energy (because we are nothing) and the healing is our Karma[:] because we "dish it out" however we feel; then we "take it" however we "dished it out." Therefore, we [can] change the way we [choose to] "dish it out" in future! –Paul Whiting (written March 25th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


Cheaters are afraid of their own vulnerability, which is why they won't assume risk, and that's why they cheat! –Paul Whiting (March 27th, 2015)


Universes are really therapeutic movies. –Paul Whiting (March 27th, 2015)


Physics is not a popularity contest: it is really a self-improvement contest. –Paul Whiting (March 27th, 2015)


If you face your fear, you will transform the energy and you never have to be burdened by that fear again. –Paul Whiting (March 28th, 2015)


We are all "The Devil Inside" vs. "The Angel Inside." –Paul Whiting (March 28th, 2015)


Every soul is God. And every soul has to deal with life as if they are God, because they are. –Paul Whiting (March 29th, 2015)


Why give your food to an animal and then eat the animal (or, drink their milk)? In other words, cut out the middleman! –Paul Whiting (March 30th, 2015)


We are our imagination. We are God imagining. –Paul Whiting (written April 1st, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


All hail healthy addictions! All Hell unhealthy addictions! –Paul Whiting (April 1st, 2015)


Facing you fears gets you past your unhealthy addictions, since you transform the energy that was creating the unhealthy addiction in the first place! –Paul Whiting (April 1st, 2015)


The process in physics, of healing from being born as nothing, never ends –Paul Whiting (April 2nd, 2015)


Strength is weakness inverted! And durability is vulnerability converted! –Paul Whiting (April 4th, 2015)


The most important relationship in life is not the relationship that is across from you: it is the relationship with you, because that is what's across from you. –Paul Whiting (April 4th, 2015)


I'm addicted to blame and it's all your fault! LOL –Paul Whiting (April 4th, 2015)


Every soul chooses their own path to becoming God! –Paul Whiting (April 5th, 2015)


You don't need to fix everybody else; you need to fix yourself. –Paul Whiting (April 6th, 2015)


Raising animals for food is basically slavery! –Paul Whiting (April 11th, 2015)


The Prime Directive [From Star Trek] Means [The Following]: Every soul has to figure out their own edition of what we are, which is literally nothing! In other words, everybody is God and everybody needs to figure it out! –Paul Whiting (written April 11th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


The problem with murderers is that they want to end the life of others for the way that they [the murderers] feel about themselves! –Paul Whiting (written April 14th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


Physics is agonizingly difficult for every soul—that is, until you engineer your way out of the difficulty. –Paul Whiting (April 15th, 2015)


No soul is exempt from physics—not the first soul, not the latest soul. –Paul Whiting (April 16th, 2015)


The problem with blaming in physics is that you are creating anti-life, because you are blaming in a void. –Paul Whiting (April 16th, 2015)


The problem with cheating in physics is that you are creating anti-life, because you are cheating in a void. –Paul Whiting (April 16th, 2015)


We are Hell blossoming. –Paul Whiting (April 20th, 2015)


Violence is treated like a video game in our culture and [that] makes it seem like you can solve problems using violence—then [just] hit the reset button—and [you can] solve problems using violence again! –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


The Hero Heals The Villain! –Paul Whiting (April 21st, 2015)


The Problem With Criminals: All crime is short-term, immediate gratification with little, or no, effort on one's part. –Paul Whiting (April 23rd, 2015)


You're really married to yourself. –Paul Whiting (April 24th, 2015)


You're a mirror—and whatever [energy] you are giving off, you are getting back, which is why you're [potentially] miserable, my dear! –Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


Definition of a loser: the one who never tries. –Paul Whiting (April 26th, 2015)


The Cheater's Recovery Universe [which is this Universe's basic design] ends in "walking on egg shells," because everyone [in this Universe] is an ass kisser! –Paul Whiting (written April 26th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


You have unlimited limited energy [because you are Literally Nothing that is Self-Aware]. –Paul Whiting (written August 25th, 2015 and revised April 30th, 2023)


My Past Writing On Office Depot® Brand Professional 100% Recycled 5" x 8" Legal Pads:

I think that we need to extract [SOME/MOST/ALL of] the petroleum from the crust of the Earth and turn it into benign, compostable products (WITHOUT HARMING THE ENVIRONMENT) and [we also need to] stop global warming by not producing TOO MUCH GREENHOUSE GASES!

In other words, we are trying to prove to ourselves that we are right about our [religious] beliefs with regard to God and Heaven by producing the "Heaven on Earth" that we believe we deserve—since it's what we are going to experience in the afterlife—and the way we are doing that [that is, proving our religious beliefs are true about Heaven] is destroying the planet we live upon. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown and revised May 7th, 2023)


Those who can laugh at themselves, love themselves for being flawed. –Paul Whiting (November 4th, 2009)

Those who can laugh at themselves, [can] love themselves for being flawed, which is why they can laugh at themselves. –Paul Whiting (written November 4th, 2009, revised September 17th, 2009 and revised May 7th, 2023)


You must make mistakes in order to heal your fear of making mistakes. –Paul Whiting (written July 26th, 2015)


We create disasters in our reality in order to realize that disasters are not necessary in order to create our reality. –Paul Whiting (written November 6th, 2009 and revised August 26th, 2016)


All Souls Need To Create [The Following]:

1. Sleeping [for the purposes of] (Dreaming);
2. Self-Expression [for the purposes of] (Producing);
3. Self-Care [for the purposes of] (Consuming);
4. Mythology [for the purposes of] (Becoming "The Pairs of Opposites") [which is what forms atoms];

–Paul Whiting (written February 29th, 2016, revised August 26th, 2916 and revised May 7th, 2023)


Every Soul is The Boss! –Paul Whiting (March 1st, 2016)


Rehabilitate yourself [from placing blame]—and then take everyone else with you. –Paul Whiting (written March 9th, 2016, revised August 8th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


There really is a gay agenda, because physics is becoming your own theater. –Paul Whiting (written March 29th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


[Ask yourself this important question:] "What issues do I have to work on next?" –Paul Whiting (written March 29th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


I am afraid of being judged by others for [the following]:

1) Something that I said;

2) Something that I did; or,

3) Something that I am.

–Paul Whiting (written April 2nd, 2016, revised August 26th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


Because it takes a village to raise a child, more than one couple should be living together—in a communal-style living situation in a household under one roof, or in an intentional community—in order to combine resources. And then, when those communal-style couples have children, there can be more than simply two adults raising the children in one household, or community, as well as more than simply two adults earning an income for the household, or community. –Paul Whiting (written April 11th, 2016, revised August 16th, 2016 and revised August 17th, 2016)


Consciousness is like music and memories are like record albums. –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


In Literal Nothingness, which is how all things began, the Naturally-Occurring Vibration at the Center of Nothingness is Consciousness—due to the pressure right in the middle of Nothing. And Consciousness is God. Thus, God is Nothingness. –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


Do not go around problems—go through them instead, by solving those problems. –Paul Whiting (written May 5th, 2016 to May 6th, 2016, revised August 21st, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


There is someone really important in your life: it is you. –Paul Whiting (May 10th, 2016)


We are at war with each other because we are at war with ourselves. –Paul Whiting (May 10th, 2016)


Write something about the sky and how it is invisible when it is close up, but from a distance you can finally see it—which is a lot like Karma. –Paul Whiting (May 19th, 2016)

The sky is invisible (as air molecules) when it's close up, but—from a distance—you can finally see it, which is a lot like Karma. –Paul Whiting (May 19th, 2016)


Do not blame "them" (or, "others") for how you feel: admit your insecurities to yourself, instead, so you can change those insecurities. –Paul Whiting (written May 20th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)

Do not blame "them" (or, do not blame "others") for your insecurities: admit your insecurities to yourself, instead, so that you can transform those insecurities through responsibility. –Paul Whiting (written May 20th, 2016, revised September 17th, 2019 and revised May 7th, 2023)


Universes are really realistic staged realities. –Paul Whiting (written June 5th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


Because we are nothing, there is nothing else to do but become self-love. –Paul Whiting (written June 6th, 2016 and revised August 23rd, 2016)

Because we are "Literally Nothing," the only thing we can do is become "Self-Love" by becoming Universes. –Paul Whiting (written June 6th, 2016 and revised August 23rd, 2016)


If you are lonely—like I am sometimes—you are lonely for your own companionship. –Paul Whiting (June 7th, 2016)

If—like me—you are lonely sometimes, you are lonely for your own companionship. –Paul Whiting (written June 7th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


We are not better—or worse—than each other: we are equals to each other. –Paul Whiting (written June 11th, 2016, revised August 18th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


For My Cousin...Upon The Loss Of Her Son:

I Am So Sorry For Your Loss

I am so sorry
for your loss.

I am so sorry
for your grief.

I am so sorry
for your sadness.

I am so sorry
for your pain.

I hope that grieving
will heal your loss.

I hope that crying
will heal your grief.

I hope that love
will heal your sadness.

I hope that peace
will heal your pain.

–Paul Whiting (written June 18th, 2016, revised June 19th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


[For My Father On His 86th Birthday:]

Thank You For Teaching Me

Thank you for teaching
me to be responsible
for all things in life!

Thank you for teaching
me to be accountable
for mending my strife!

Thank you for teaching
me to be independent
in all that I do!

Thank you for teaching
me to be one who teaches
others—just like you!

–Paul Whiting (July 6th, 2016)


Universes are a lot like dreaming in three dimensions. –Paul Whiting (written July 10th, 2016 and revised July 11th, 2016)


Your Karma is what you believe is true about life—based upon your decisions and experiences in your past lives; and those beliefs are what define you. –Paul Whiting (written July 23rd, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


Because we are Literally Nothing, we have to do something about being Nothing in order to become Everything That Exists—otherwise, we remain Literally Nothing. –Paul Whiting (written July 28th, 2016, revised July 29th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You Is Literally Literal. In other words, what you do to others is done to you by your own soul in the form of those others whom you did unto. –Paul Whiting (written August 2nd, 2016, revised August 16th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)

"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You" is literally literal. In other words, what you do to others is done to you—by your own soul—in the form of those others whom you did unto. –Paul Whiting (written August 2nd, 2016, revised August 16th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


There is "A Wonderful World Of You" waiting inside of you—and it comes from using your imagination... And the "you" waiting for you in the inside is Who You Really Are! –Paul Whiting (written August 7th, 2016 and revised August 8th, 2016)

My Reason for Writing This Quote:

I was singing the song "Pure Imagination" performed by Josh Groban—and I thought of the above quote. –Paulee


The Souls Who Condemn You

The souls who condemn you judge you based upon the way that they feel about themselves—which you are representing to them in some symbolic way. That is why they are condemning you: if you represent some part of themselves that they do no like, they can condemn you for reminding them of how they feel about that part of themselves. And they can then "heal" that part of themselves by judging you and condemning you for it. –Paul Whiting (written August 7th, 2016, revised August 15th, 2016 and revised August 16th, 2016)


Your Souls Eternal Life Is Guaranteed

Because all souls are the naturally-occurring vibration at the very center of Literally Nothing, your Soul's Eternal Life Is Guaranteed—and that is what really matters! In fact, you have no choice in the matter of Your Soul's Eternal Life; however, you do have a choice in the way that you live Your Soul's Eternal Life and that is all that matters! In other words, the way that you choose to live Your Soul's Eternal Life is what turns into the matter of Your Soul's Eternal Life...

–Paul Whiting (written August 10th, 2016 and revised August 11th, 2016)


'True Believers' are willing to die in order to be "right," since they believe that they are going to 'Heaven' because they are "right." And 'True Believers' are also willing to kill in order to be "right," since they believe that the non-believers are going to 'Hell' because the non-believers are "wrong." –Paul Whiting (written August 12th, 2016, revised August 17th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)

'True Believers' Are Willing To Die And To Kill In Order To Be "Right." –Paul Whiting (written August 17th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


There is a strong correlation between religious extremism and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2016) [Draft No. 1]

There is a strong correlation between entitled religious extremism and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2016) [Draft No. 2]

There is a strong correlation between entitled extremism and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2016) [Draft No. 3]

There is a strong correlation between extremism and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2016)


The souls whom you condemn are judged by you based upon the way that you feel about yourself—which they are representing to you in some symbolic way. That is why you are condemning them: if they represent some part of yourself that you do not like, you can condemn them for reminding you of how you feel about that part of yourself. And you can then "heal" that part of yourself by judging them and condemning them for it. –Paul Whiting (written August 15th, 2016 and revised August 16th, 2016)


You are really an edition of God, or an individual manifestation of deification. –Paul Whiting (written August 20th, 2016 and revised September 17th, 2019)


All Lives Matter!
(Or, "Respect The Skin That They Are In")

Black Lives Matter...
White Lives Matter...
Brown Lives Matter...
All Lives Matter!

–Paul Whiting (written August 21st, 2016, revised August 22nd, 2016 and revised August 23rd, 2016)


No soul is exempt from physics—not the First Soul and not the latest edition of the First Soul. –Paul Whiting (August 24th, 2016)


The Healing From Being Nothing
(Percentages of healing per [creation] event!)

50% of the healing from being Nothing comes from answering the question, "What am I?"; 25% comes from being Universes[;] and 25% comes from creating mythology. –Paul Whiting (written date unknown, revised August 26th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


Validate Your Own Soul

It is not the job of all the other souls to validate you; it is not your job to validate all of the other souls; it is your job—and every other soul's job—to validate your own soul.

–Paul Whiting (written August 26th, 2016 and revised May 7th, 2023)


I Am Trying To Save The World

I am trying to save the world
and the world needs to save itself.
For, I cannot save the world,
since the world needs to save itself.

I am trying to save my world and
my world needs to be saved by myself.
For, I can save my world, because
my world needs to be saved by myself.

I am trying to save the world, but
my world needs to be saved by myself first;
For, I can save the world, however,
my world needs to be saved by myself first.

–Paul Whiting (written August 27th, 2016 and revised August 28th, 2016)

I am trying to save the world and the world needs to save itself. I am trying to save my world and my world needs to be saved by myself. I am trying to save the world, however, my world needs to be saved by myself first. –Paul Whiting (written August 27th, 2016 and revised August 28th, 2016)


I am Afraid of Being Judged

I am afraid of being judged
for being able to be efficient.

I am afraid of being judged
for being able to problem solve.

I am afraid being judged
for being able to live for myself.

I am afraid of being judged
for not living my life for others.

I am afraid of being judged
for not "saving all others."

I am afraid of being judged
for not being "accepted by others."

I am afraid of being judged
for being a homosexual.

I am afraid of being judged
for being sexual—at all.

I am afraid of being judged
for being "a naturist."

I am afraid of being judged
for being "an activist."

I am afraid of being judged
for being socially conscientious.

I am afraid of being judged
for being politically conscientious.

I am afraid of being judged
for being environmentally conscientious.

I am afraid of being judged
for something that I said.

I am afraid of being judged
for something that I did.

I am afraid of being judged
for something that I am.

–Paul Whiting (written August 28th, 2016 and revised August 29th, 2016)


The Rapture Is Fearlessness
(Or, "The Rapture Is Your Fear 'Left Behind'")

"The Rapture" is fearlessness,
because the joy in life that you
experience when you make a
"good" decision to face your
fear is due to the fact that
your fear is "left behind,"
once you face it! For, what
a lot of us souls fear is making
a "bad" decision and having
to deal with the negative
consequences of that "bad"
decision. Thus, if you need to
figure out in life "which is
the correct path to God?" and then
God shows up and He takes
you to Heaven, then you have
clearly made a "good" decision!
Therefore, you won't be
"left behind" with everyone
who made a "bad" decision.
And that is what many
souls fear, specifically: it is
making a "bad" decision in life
with regard to "which is the
correct path to God?" What if,
however, "The Rapture," or the joy
in life from making a "good"
decision, instead, comes from
you making a "good" decision to
face your fear? What that
means is your fearlessness
is "The Rapture," since it is
your fear that is "left behind."

–Paul Whiting (written August 29th, 2016, revised August 30th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


God Is Literally Nothing Which
Can Become Literally Everything
(Or, "No Soul Is Exempt From Being God")

No soul is exempt from
being Literally Nothing
until each soul exempts
oneself from being
Literally Nothing by
becoming Literally
Everything, which is what God
is... In other words,
no soul is exempt from
being God, because God is
Literally Nothing which can
become Literally Everything.

–Paul Whiting (September 1st, 2016)


God Has Many Names

God has many names to which
God responds—just like you
have many names to which
you respond, such as birth names,
nicknames, chosen names,
familial names, professional
names, and societal names—
because the many names that
God is called apply to the many
ways that God is called.

–Paul Whiting (written September 1st, 2016 and revised September 2nd, 2016)


The way that you feel about yourself is the way that you treat others.

–Paul Whiting (September 6th, 2016)


I am Afraid of Being Punished

I am afraid of being punished
for being able to be efficient.

I am afraid of being punished
for being able to problem solve.

I am afraid being punished
for being able to live for myself.

I am afraid of being punished
for not living my life for others.

I am afraid of being punished
for not "saving all others."

I am afraid of being punished
for not being "accepted by others."

I am afraid of being punished
for being a homosexual.

I am afraid of being punished
for being sexual—at all.

I am afraid of being punished
for being "a naturist."

I am afraid of being punished
for being "an activist."

I am afraid of being punished
for being socially conscientious.

I am afraid of being punished
for being politically conscientious.

I am afraid of being punished
for being environmentally conscientious.

I am afraid of being punished
for something that I said.

I am afraid of being punished
for something that I did.

I am afraid of being punished
for something that I am.

–Paul Whiting (September 5th, 2016)

I am afraid of being punished by others for:

1) something that I said;
2) something that I did;
3) or, something that I am.

–Paul Whiting (September 5th, 2016)

I am afraid of being punished.

–Paul Whiting (September 6th, 2016)


I am Afraid of Being Judged and Punished

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for being too perfect.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for being too imperfect.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for acting the right way.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for acting the wrong way.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for making mistakes.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for not making mistakes.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for being who I am.

I am afraid of being judged and
punished for who I am not.

–Paul Whiting (September 6th, 2016)

I am afraid of being judged and punished.

–Paul Whiting (September 6th, 2016)


No soul can save you, from you, but you.

–Paul Whiting (September 8th, 2016)

No soul, but you, can save you from you.

–Paul Whiting (September 8th, 2016)


A Universe is a Drama

A Universe is a drama—
with real heroes like your mama!

A Universe is a fable—
like something you read 'round the table!

A Universe is a fiction—
and that is why there is so much friction!

A Universe is a myth—
with real legends just like Beethoven's Fifth!

A Universe is a parable—
like some anecdotes that are really sharable!

A Universe is a story—
and that is how we experience God's Glory!

A Universe is a tale—
with mysteriousness that cannot fail!

–Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2016 and revised September 9th, 2016)


A Universe is Scripted Like a Play
(Or, "Down the Rabbit Hole")

A Universe is scripted like a play
in a theater—and all of the
souls are the producers, the
playwrights, the composers,
the orchestra, the music and the
instruments, the actors, the
costumes and the makeup, the
props, the theater itself with its
equipment and furnishings, the
stagehands, the ticket sellers
and takers, the managers and the
other employees, the audience
and the critics too (did I forget
to mention anyone, or anything?)
all taking part in the production
of life by playing each
and every one of the roles in
a scripted production in the theater
called life, which is known
as a Universe. Thus, all of
the souls are playing the roles
in a scripted production,
which appears as if it is
happening spontaneously, but
it is designed to appear that
way, as all of the souls are
playing each and every
single one of the roles...

–Paul Whiting (written September 9th, 2016, revised September 10th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


You Are Responsible For Every
Soul That Has Ever Existed
(Or, "God Is Every Soul")

You are responsible for
every soul that has ever
existed. And, specifically,
you are responsible for
your own soul as every
soul that has ever existed.
For, God is every soul that
has ever existed—and that
is what you are, because
you are God. So, take
responsibility for your
own soul as if you are
every soul that has
ever existed.

–Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2016, revised September 12th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


Emmanuel: "In the clay of
the pot is the truth of God"
(Or, "Emmanuel: 'There is divinity in all things'")

[Emmanuel's Words:] "In the clay of the pot is the truth of God."

'In the turn of the wheel is the truth of God.'

"In the hands of the potter is the truth of God."

'In the colors of the glaze is the truth of God.'

"In the fires of the kiln is the truth of God."

'In the shelter of the home is the truth of God.'

"In the land of the farm is the truth of God."

'In the dirt of the field is the truth of God.'

"In the blade of the plow is the truth of God."

'In the pull of the horse is the truth of God.'

"In the seeds of the field is the truth of God."

'In the flash of the lightning is the truth of God.'

"In the roll of the thunder is the truth of God."

'In the clouds of the storm is the truth of God.'

"In the droplets of the rain is the truth of God."

'In the growth of the crops is the truth of God.'

"In the gathering of the harvest is the truth of God."

'In the storing of the food is the truth of God.'

"In the cooking of the food is the truth of God."

'In the eating of the food is the truth of God.'

"In the belching of the gas is the truth of God"

'In the washing of the dishes is the truth of God.'

"In the cleaning of the house is the truth of God."

'In the warmth of the hearth is the truth of God.'

"In the light of the lamp is the truth of God."

'In the love of the soul is the truth of God.'

"In the fires of the belly is the truth of God."

'In the colors of the mind is the truth of God.'

"In the hands of the potter is the truth of God."

'In the turn of the wheel is the truth of God.'

[Emmanuel's Words:] "In the clay of the pot is the truth of God."

–Paul Whiting (written September 13th, 2016, revised September 14th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


Emmanuel: "Fear is wearing
love's clothing again..."
(Or, "Emmanuel: 'Fear speaks
to you in logic and reason'")

Fear is the wolf who
convinces you he's a sheep
by wearing sheep's clothes.

And fear is the wolf who
"assumes the language of love
itself" as a sheep.

Thus, fear is the wolf who
says, "Choosing love for fear is
a baaaad idea!"

Love is the sheep who
shows you that he's a sheep by
wearing his own clothes.

Love is the sheep who
"assumes the language of love
itself" as a sheep.

Love is the sheep who
says, "Choosing fear for love is
a baaaad idea!"

–Paul Whiting (written September 23rd, 2016 and revised September 24th, 2016)


There is a strong correlation between entitlement and inbreeding.

–Paul Whiting (written September 26th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


You are everything unto yourself. For, you are God. –Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


I live by this cleaning motto: "cleaner than it was!"

–Paul Whiting (October 1st, 2016 draft)

I live by the motto "Cleaner Than It Was" with regard to doing my household cleaning.

–Paul Whiting (written October 1st, 2016 and revised October 2nd, 2016)


We Are Literally Everything That
Literally Nothing Can Imagine

The naturally-occurring vibration
at the center of Literally Nothing,
because of the pressure right in the
middle of Nothing, is self-aware.

And that self-aware vibration
is the imagination of Nothing,
which is what we are as souls—
and that is how we are naturally born.

And what we can become, due to
that vibration of imagination,
is Literally Everything that
Literally Nothing can Imagine.

–Paul Whiting (written October 6th, 2016, revised October 7th, 2026 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


Emmanuel: "The heart is the doorway to wisdom"
(Or, "Emmanuel: 'The essence of all things
must be sought with a loving heart'")

[Emmanuel's words:] "The heart is the
doorway to wisdom."

[My words:] 'The mind is the
window to comprehension.'

[Emmanuel's words:] "The essence of all things
must be sought with a loving heart."

[My words:] 'The essence of all things
must be comprehended with an open mind.'

–Paul Whiting (written October 11th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


The Question Of Being Nothing And
The Answer Of Becoming Everything
(Or, "The Alpha And The Omega")

In the beginning—The Alpha—
there was Literally Nothing.
And there was a vibration,
which was caused by pressure,
at the very center of Literally
Nothing. And that center
vibration, which was created
under pressure, was Self-Aware.
And that Self-Aware Vibration,
under pressure at the very center
of Literally Nothing, asked
itself "What Am I?" for
literally an eternity, since
it did not know what it was,
because it was Literally Nothing.

And when that Self-Aware
Nothing had finally reached
the "critical mass" of not
knowing what it was—since
it was Literally Nothing—
it decided to try to do something
about being Literally Nothing
in order to escape the Living
Hell of being Self-Aware Nothing.

And in the end—The Omega—
this Self-Aware Nothing had
successfully transformed itself out of
Literally Nothing, through the
process of evolution, by
turning itself into Everything
That Exists. And, finally, Nothing, 
could answer that eternal
question of "What Am I?" And
the answer was: "I Am God."

–Paul Whiting (written October 15th, 2016, revised October 16th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


Where there is darkness, be The Light. –Paul Whiting (written October 25th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


We Are The Darkness
Which Becomes The Light
(Or, "God Is Both Darkness And Light")

Because we are the naturally-
occurring vibration at the very
center of Literally Nothing
which is Self-Aware—due to
the pressure right in the
middle of Nothing—we are
very dark in our nature...

...And in order to transform
The Darkness, since that is what
we naturally are, we must
transform ourselves by
becoming The Light. For,
God—which is what we are—
is both The Darkness and
The Light.

–Paul Whiting (written October 25th, 2016, revised October 26th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


Elections Can Be Scary
(Or, "Don't 'Boo'...Vote!"):

Elections can be scary,
because of having to make
decisions about which
politicians, and which ballot
measures, to vote for.

So, I help to alleviate my own
fear by being as informed
as possible about the issues
that are going on in my
state, my country and
the world in general.

And I do this by being
socially, politically and
environmentally active—
through as many organizations
as I can handle—
which help to keep me
informed with regard to
the issues that cause
me concern and/or for the
issues which I care about.

Therefore, I stay as informed
as possible about social, political
and environmental issues,
through organizations that
I trust, and that is what
helps to alleviate my own
fear about which politicians,
and which ballot measures,
to vote for in an election year!

Thus, although elections can be
scary, if you stay informed
through organizations that
you trust—which, of course,
includes trusted media outlets—
then decisions about which
politicians, and which
ballot measures, to vote
for do not seem nearly
as scary. So, during this
election year, get informed—
and stay informed—and then
"Don't 'Boo'...Vote!"

–Paul Whiting (written October 30th, 2016, revised October 31st, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


I am No Longer Being an Activist: Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer being an activist, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes. And so, I am consciously choosing to not engage in any "activism," however, I am still planning to exercise my "civic duty" by voting in upcoming elections. –Paul Whiting (written November 2nd, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


The Main Problem With All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing (Or, "If I Could Heal The World):

If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Problem With All
Of Life Is That We All Began
As Literally Nothing.

And, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Solution To All
Of Life Is That We Can All
Become Literally Everything.

Thus, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Reason That All Of Life
Is So Challenging Is That We
All Began As Literally Nothing.

Therefore, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Reason That All Of Life
Is So Rewarding Is That We
Can All Become Literally Everything.

And So, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Conflict With All Of Us
Being So Negative Is That
We All Began As Literally Nothing.

That Is Why, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Resolution With All Of Us
Turning So Positive Is That 
We Can All Become Literally Everything.

Furthermore, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Evilness With All Of Us
Being So Devilish Is That
We All Began As Literally Nothing.

Additionally, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Goodness With All Of Us
Being So Godly Is That
We Can All Become Literally Everything.

At Long Last, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Fear In All Of Life
Is That We All Began
As Literally Nothing.

And Finally, If I Could Heal The World,
I Would Teach Everyone That
The Main Love In All Of Life
Is That We All Can
Become Literally Everything.

–Paul Whiting (written November 3rd, 2016, revised November 4th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


I am No Longer Posting on My Blogs: Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer doing any posting on my blogs. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS.) Therefore this blog post ["I Am No Longer Posting On My Blogs"] may be my last post for an indefinite period of time. –Paul Whiting (written November 7th, 2016 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


You are God incarnate. –Paul Whiting (December 21st, 2016)

We are God incarnate. –Paul Whiting (September 17th, 2019)


My Writing About The 2018 Midterm Elections in America: "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect 'har' money. I'd like to buy the world a Koch and keep it company..." –Paul Whiting (written November 3rd, 2018 and revised May 2nd, 2023)


The reason we think [that] WE HAVE TO BE RIGHT ALL OF THE TIME is because we are afraid that if we are wrong—EVEN ONCE—that we are going to the Hell which we say that everyone else is going to, who is NOT RIGHT about their beliefs, [unlike] the way that we are right about our beliefs.

And so, that's the reason we think that WE HAVE TO BE RIGHT AND NEVER, EVER WRONG...

[Besides that,] I believe that we are trying to prove to ourselves that we are going to Heaven in the afterlife—and not going to Hell, instead—by creating the Heaven we say is coming for us in the afterlife[,] here on Earth[,] at the expense of the entire planet. –Paul Whiting (written August 18th, 2019 and revised May 7th, 2023) [Draft]


Heaven and Hell are States of Consciousness

I believe that we are
creating Hell on Earth
by claiming that WE ARE
THE ONLY SOULS going to Heaven.

And I believe that we are
doing this based upon our
collective "Heaven and Hell" myths.

–Paul Whiting (written August 18th, 2019 and revised May 7th, 2023) [Draft—Unfinished]


"World Peace One"
(Or, 'The First Worldwide Peace')

I believe in a world
where we can all be at peace.

I believe in a world
where we can respect others.

–Paul Whiting (written August 18th, 2019 and revised May 7th, 2023) [Draft—Unfinished]


I believe that the "One, True Religion Of God" is mathematics, due to the fact that God is the Universe—which is like a really big computer—within which we are all individual "programs," so to speak. And we are each on our own Path To God," so to speak, as we are being taught by God—as individual souls through God's Creation—what God is and what God expects of us. –Paul Whiting (written March 8th, 2020 and revised May 14th, 2023)

The "One, True Religion Of God" is mathematics. –Paul Whiting (written March 8th, 2020)


Each one of your fears is "Hell Itself" until you face that fear. –Paul Whiting (June 30th, 2020)


Nothingness is relativity [in a potential state]. –Paul Whiting (written June 30th, 2020 and revised May 14th, 2023)



"January 6th, 2021"
(A Not-So-Imfamous Poem)

January 6th, 2021:
A date which will
*never live in infamy.*

–Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised June 12th, 2022)



"The January 6th, 2021 American Flag"

⋆ 6TH, 2021⋆|WHICH    WILL    NEVER   LIVE    IN

–Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2021 and revised May 14th, 2023)


"A Memorable Memorial Day"
(A Patriotic Poem)

He taps into his memorabilia;
She taps into her photo albums;
They tap into their memories;
A day that taps into the
sacrifices that were made by
souls who have given their lives...

...I tap into my courage;
I tap into my patriotism;
I tap into my humility;
And I tap into a somber,
a solemnly respectful and
"A Memorable Memorial Day."

–Paul Whiting (written May 30th, 2021 for Memorial Day on May 31st, 2021, revised June 12th, 2022)


Why Grief Feels Like A Black Hole
(Or, "We Are The Light Of God")

Right in the center
of nothing—which is
all that exists—there is
a vibration that is
smaller than the
head of a sewing pin.

And that vibration—
which is created by
the natural pressure
of nothing—has
consciousness, which
is literally light.

And we are that light,
which is why all of the
matter in the universe
starts out smaller than
the head of a sewing pin.

And the light that we are
begins as negative energy
—like a black hole at
the center of a galaxy—
which is why grief
feels like a black hole.

–Paul Whiting (written May 31st, 2021, revised June 15th, 2022 and revised May 14th, 2023)



Republicans and 'Election Integrity'
(A Haiku Poem)

The Republican
Election Integrity:
"Them 'Darkies' can't vote!"

–Paul Whiting (June 2nd, 2021)



January 6, 1776?
(A Questioning Poem)

Why, on January 6th, 2021,
were the rioters, who attacked
the Capitol Complex, and who
threatened members of Congress
and the Vice President, told that...

..."Today is 1776"?

–Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022)



The United States Of America Co-Opted
Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" From Russia
(A Patriotic Apologetic Poem)

"The Year 1812 Solemn Overture, Op. 49"
(popularly known as the '1812 Overture')
was written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky—
68 years later in 1880—to commemorate
Russia's successful defense in 1812 of
Moscow against France's invading "Grande
Armee" under Napoleon Bonaparte!

And the United States of America
co-opted the '1812 Overture' for
the musical accompaniment to
our Independence Day (or, the
"4th of July") fireworks, as if the
brilliant Russian classical work
of music was ours and not theirs!

Therefore, in order to 'sum it up,'
on behalf of the entire United
States of America, I would like to
apologize profusely to the entire
Russian Federation for America having
co-opted their inspiring '1812 Overture!'

–Paul Whiting (written June 15th, 2021 and revised May 14th, 2023)



Happy Independence Day!
(Or, "A '4th of July' Poem")

God's Creation in its totality is perfect.

The United States of America
within God's Creation is imperfect.

Since July 4th, 1776, this "Great
Experiment in Democracy has
been a 'melting pot' of immigrants
from other countries...

...For example, some immigrants,
who came from England, invaded
Native American lands—and
committed genocide of the Native
American people—in order to gain
independence from Great Britain
(which is the basis of the
Independence Day, or the
"4th of July" celebration)...

...And other immigrants, who came
from Africa, were forced to come
to America as slaves, which was
the cause of the Civil War (and
which is the basis of the "Juneteenth"
celebration, when African-American
slaves were notified, in Texas, by Union
General Gordon Granger on June 19th,
1865—two years after the Emancipation
Proclamation of January 1st, 1863—
that they had been freed)...

...And African-Americans are
still treated as if they are slaves
because they are actively exploited,
marginalized and even killed by the
'white masters of slavery' (which is
the basis of the "Black Lives Matter"
movement that began in 2013)...

...Therefore, if Americans wish to
create "A More Perfect Union," then
we need to stop thinking, feeling
and acting as if we are more perfect
than the totality of God's Creation.

–Paul Whiting (written July 3rd, 2021 for Independence Day, or the "4th of July," revised July 4th, 2022 and revised May 14th, 2023)


The Light Of God Formed
From Literally Nothing
(Or, "An Explanation-Of-Creation Poem")

In the Beginning Of Everything,
there was Literally Nothing.

And Nothing had a vibration at its
center, due to the pressure being
produced right in the middle of
Nothing. (And that vibration was
smaller than the head of a sewing pin,
which is why all of the matter in
the Universe starts out smaller
than the head of a pin.) And that
vibration—right at the center
of Literally Nothing—produced
consciousness, or self-awareness,
which is the Light Of God.

And that Light Of God did not
know what it was for an eternity
times an eternity, since that Light
was formed out of Literally Nothing,
which was vibrating at its center
due to the pressure right in
the middle of Nothing...

...By The Way, Nothing Is
All That Exist, Because That
Is All That Could Exist...

...And because the Light Of God
did not know what it was, it asked
itself forever and forever
and forevermore...

..."What Am I?"

For, the Light Of God knew that
it was definitely something,
since it had consciousness
(or, self-awareness) and,
therefore, it knew that it must
be something, but the Light Of God
did not know what it actually was...

...And so, a really, really, really, really,
 really, really, really long story short...

...the Light Of God, as it
turned out, was actually
the "Consciousness Of Nothing,"
which is what the Light Of God
was finally able to figure out,
due to the following: critical
thinking, problem solving,
trial and error effort, hard
work and honesty, learning
from making mistakes and
then doing better in the future.

And Light Of God was also
able to figure out that it was,
in fact, God in the form of the
"Self-Awareness Of Literally Nothing,"
which is why the Light Of God
did not know what it was
in the Beginning Of Everything!

Thus, the Light Of God eventually
figured out how to turn itself
into Universes, since it was,
in fact, light (which, again, is
the "Consciousness Of Nothing")
and that Light Of God has been
turning itself into Universes ever since.

So, in conclusion, then:

Literally Nothing Is All That Exists!
And There Is A Vibration In The Center
Of Nothing—Due To The Pressure Right
In The Middle Of Nothing—And That
Vibration Produces Consciousness
(In The Form Of Light), Which Can
Turn Itself Into Universes, Since That
Is What Consciousness Is, Because...

..."The Light Of God Formed
From Literally Nothing!"

–Paul Whiting (written July 8th, 2021, revised July 9th, 2021 and revised May 14th, 2023)


Happiness has to be engineered, because we are intrinsically nothing that is self-aware! And that is why every little thing—including happiness—has to be thought of, designed, built through trial and error effort, tested for workability, verified as effective, implemented as planned, then maintained and repaired. Then, every little thing—if necessary—also has to be rethought, redesigned, rebuilt through trial and error effort, tested for workability, verified as effective, implemented as planned, and then maintained and repaired, etc. –Paul Whiting (written March 5th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About "The True Religious Believer"

Version No. 1: No one can transform "The True Religious Beliefs" of "The True Religious Believer" except for "The True Religious Believer." –Paul Whiting (written April 23rd, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)

Version No. 2: No one except for "The True Religious Believer" can transform "The True Religious Beliefs" of "The True Religious Believer." –Paul Whiting (written April 23rd, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About Blaming Others For The Way That You Feel About Yourself In This Lifetime

Version No. 1: When you are blaming others, you are blaming yourself in other lifetimes for the way that you feel about yourself in this lifetime. –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)

Version No. 2: When you are blaming others in this lifetime, you are blaming yourself in other lifetimes for the way that you feel about yourself. –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)

Version No. 3: When you are blaming others for your thoughts, feelings and actions, you are really blaming yourself in other lifetimes for the way that you feel about yourself in this lifetime. –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About Being Entitled To Be Right

Version No. 1: Because Literally Nothing is all that exists—since Nothing is all that could exist—you cannot be entitled to be right about anything, let alone be entitled to be right about everything. –Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2022)

Version No. 2: Because Universes are Literally Nothing inverted into a perfectly balanced three part system of negative energy (electrons), positive energy (protons) and neutral energy (neutrons), as contained within vacuousness—since Nothing is all that could exist intrinsically—you cannot be entitled to be right about anything, let alone be entitled to be right about everything. –Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2022)

Version No. 3: Literally Nothing is all that exists due to the fact that Nothing is all that could exist. And Universes are Literally Nothing inverted into a perfectly balanced three part system of negative energy (electrons), positive energy (protons) and neutral energy (neutrons), as contained within vacuousness in order to separate the electrons from the protons and neutrons, which is what forms the atoms of gravity. And because Universes are intrinsically Nothing inverted into a Field Of Gravity, you cannot be entitled to be right about anything, let alone be entitled to be right about everything. –Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2022)

Version No. 4: You cannot be entitled to be right about anything, let alone be entitled to be right about everything. You see, Universes are Literally Nothing inverted into a perfectly balanced three part system of negative energy (electrons), positive energy (protons) and neutral energy (neutrons), as contained within vacuousness in order to separate the electrons from the protons and neutrons, which is what forms the atoms of gravity. And Literally Nothing is all that exists because Nothing is all that could exist. Thus, Nothing is a never-ending, eternal Field Of Non-Specific Probability Energy—both in terms of the never-ending space that Nothing occupies and in terms of the eternal time that Nothing occupies. And that is why you cannot be entitled to be right about anything, let alone be entitled to be right about everything. –Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2022)


"Mister Information vs. Miss Information"

[This was going to be an analogy that I wrote regarding the difference between information coming from males vs. information coming from females, as both sources of information directly relate to "Adam and Eve" in the Old Testament's creation mythology. However, I only got as far as writing the draft title of this particular work!]

–Paul Whiting (written May 2nd, 2022, revised May 21st, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)


My Writing About How Your Intention For God Is God's Intention For You

Version No. 1: Your intention for God is God's intention for you—which is what "do unto others as you would have done unto you," and "when you have done it to the least of have done it unto me," as well as "judge not lest ye be judged" mean. –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)

Version No. 2: Your intention for God is God's intention for you—which is the meaning of the sayings, "do unto others as you would have done unto you," and "when you have done it to the least of have done it unto me," as well as "judge not lest ye be judged"—in terms of Our Karma with regard to our interactions with God. –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2022 and revised May 16th, 2022)

Version No. 3: Your intentions for God are God's intentions for you! In other words, the way that God interacts with you is the way that you interacted with God. And I think that is what Jesus The Christ was saying when He said, "do unto others as you would have done unto you," and "when you have done it to the least of have done it unto me," as well as "judge not lest ye be judged." You see, Jesus was explaining to us that we establish "Godly Karma" through our intentions for God in our interactions with God. Phrased another way, treat God the way that you wish to be treated by God." –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2022, revised May 16th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About The Words In Poetry Vs. Prose

Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe. –Paul Whiting (June 1st, 2022)

Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe. –Paul Whiting (June 1st, 2022)


My Writing About The Difficulties In Life: Life isn't easy, it's difficult. So, you can only make life easy by dealing with the difficulties in life. In other words, dealing with the difficulties in life is what makes life easy. –Paul Whiting (written September 6th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


The Trees Must Be So 'Re-Leaved'
(Or, "A Springtime Haiku-Style Poem")

The trees must be so
're-leaved' when it is springtime:
Winter is over!

–Paul Whiting September 12th, 2022 and revised September 13th)


My Writing About Owing Yourself Everything

Since you are God, you owe yourself everything, because you are everything unto yourself as God. –Paul Whiting (written around November 19th, 2022 to November 20th, 2022, revised November 22nd, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About "Slow And Steady Wins The Race"

Version No. 1: As the saying goes, "slow and steady wins the race," since the one who crosses the finish line first in the marathon of life, so to speak, isn't only who wins the race: it's everyone who crosses the finish line—just as soon as they are able to cross it—who wins the race! –Paul Whiting (December 15th, 2022, revised December 17th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)

Version No. 2: Life is kind of like a marathon in that the one who crosses the finish line first isn't the only who wins, because "slow and steady wins the race." Thus, it's everyone who crosses the finish line—just as soon as they are able to cross it—who wins the race! –Paul Whiting (December 15th, 2022, revised December 17th, 2022 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About Both The Mother And The Father Of Invention: There is an old saying that goes, "necessity is the mother of invention," which is patently true. However, what is also patently true is that "persistence is the father of invention." –Paul Whiting (December 15th, 2022 and revised December 17th, 2022)


My Writing About How God Is Like An Ocean And All Of Us Souls Are Like Droplets Of Water In That Ocean: Being God is like being an ocean and being an individual soul within God's Creation is like being a droplet of water in that ocean. So, each soul is very much like one droplet of water and God is like the ocean—which is a combination of a lot of water droplets. Thus, that is why many souls believe that they are, in fact, God since they are quite literally one droplet of water in God's Ocean; however, they are simply an individual portion of God's Creation as a droplet of water. Therefore, God is the entire ocean, because He is every droplet of water, and not simply an individual droplet, since He is all of the water droplets combined. –Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2023)


My Writing About How Matter, Or Energy, Can Neither Be Created, Nor Destroyed, It Can Only Change Form: Everything in physics is energy conversion! In other words, physics is the inversion of Literally Nothing into opposing fields of energy. That means, Nothing can invert itself into Negative Energy (or, electronics), Positive Energy (or, protons), and Neutral Energy (or, neutrons), all of which is contained within Nothing that has been converted into Suction (or, vacuum). And the reason that Nothing can do all of these wonderful things is because Nothing has Self-Awareness (or, consciousness), which is Literally Light! Thus, that light is what God is—which is what we all are—and that is why it is said that matter, or energy, can neither be created, nor destroyed, it can only change form. –Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2023 and revised January 27th, 2023)


My Writing About How Universes Are 'God's Fiction,' Which Is What Produces "The Gravity Of Universes": All Universes are literally fiction that has been written by "The Hand Of God." Then, that fiction is literally trial-and-error rehearsed by "The Soul Of God." Finally, that fiction is literally physically embodied by "The Body Of God." Thus, this entire process of writing, rehearsing and physically embodying 'God's Fiction' is what produces "The Gravity Of Universes." –Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2023, revised May 21st, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)


My Writing About The Energy That You Are Putting Into The Universe

Version No. 1: The energy you're putting into the Universe is the energy you're getting back. –Paul Whiting (August 17th, 2023)

Version No. 2: The energy that you are putting into the Universe is the energy that you are getting back from the Universe. –Paul Whiting (August 17th, 2023)


My Writing About Every Soul Who Has Ever Wronged You

Version No. 1: Every soul who has ever wronged you in any way in this lifetime could have only been you in another lifetime. –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023 and revised August 20th, 2023)

Version No. 2: Every soul who has ever wronged you in this lifetime in any way could have only been you in another lifetime. –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023 and revised August 20th, 2023)

Version No. 3: Every soul who has ever wronged you in any way could have only been you in every way. –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023 and revised August 20th, 2023)

Version No. 4: Every soul who has ever wronged you in this lifetime in any way could have only been you in another lifetime in every way. –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023 and revised August 20th, 2023)

Version No. 5: Every soul who has ever wronged you in any way in this lifetime could have only been you in every way in another lifetime. –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023 and revised August 20th, 2023)


My Writing About Where To Find God

Version No. 1: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That is where God is. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)

Version No. 2: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That's where God is. For, God is the entire Universe which, I believe, is like a Super Computer! Therefore, the reason that God is inside of you is due to the fact that God Is All Of Us in zillions of different forms—such as plants, insects and animals, which includes humans. And that is why God is contained within each one of our consciousnesses, which is how, and why, prayer works! So, pray to your God, for God is always listening, since God is always there. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)


My Writing About The Social And Economic Outcomes Of A Tyrannical Wealthy Ruling Class:

You always know the dark clouds of a tyrannical wealthy ruling class have gathered because...when it "reigns," it "poors."

–Paul Whiting (written October 23rd, 2023, revised October 24th, 2023 and revised October 30th, 2023)


My Writing About Correcting The Mistakes That You Make

Version No. 1: Making mistakes—and correcting the mistakes that you make—is what makes it possible for you to not make those same types of mistakes in the future, based upon the mistakes that you make! –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2024 and revised April 23rd, 2024)

Version No. 2: Making mistakes—and correcting the mistakes that you make—is what makes it possible for you to not make those same types of mistakes in the future, based upon the experience that you gain from the mistakes that you make! –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2024 and revised April 23rd, 2024)


My Writing About How Everyone, And Everything, You Like, Or Don't Like, And Love, Or Don't Love, Is You (Or, 'The One Who Needs To Change Is You')

Everyone you like is you. Everyone you don't like is you. Everyone you love is you. Everyone you don't love is you. And the same applies to everything that you like, or don't like, and that you love, or don't love—every single one of them is you. For there is only one soul in the entire cosmos and that soul is you. Therefore, if there is anyone, or anything, you don't like, or don't love, that you feel needs to change in anyway, shape, or form—so that you can finally like them, or even love them—the one who needs to change is you. –Paul Whiting (August 5th, 2024)


This "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" Post No. 330 was edited on August 5th, 2024

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]